As I make my way back into the workforce as a nurse, I’d like to take this moment and pause to think about my dream job, let me bend your ear for a moment! You see, when most people ohh and ahh over babies, as I do too, I have that same reaction for the...
This is such an interesting post! I've always been partial to the elderly too for the same reasons you said and I really don't think we treat them well in this country compared to other cultures where there is so much for respect for them. If you were to open a home like this, there would be a wait list for years to get in!!!
Linked here from the LPM blog – I think this is an awesome dream! I hope you get to do it someday!
Found you on LPM. I am married with four children. My two elderly parents, with dementia, having been living with my family for over two years now. I love them, but am not a nurse and caring for them on a daily basis is getting overwhelming. It is also very difficult on our family life. I am becoming a prisoner in my own home because we can't afford outside help, and they can't be left alone for long periods of time. My family (hubby and 4 kids) are on vacation now without me.
I appreciate your dream, I hope it becomes a reality. There are some nice assisted living places out there, but sadly, we can't afford them. I also can't afford to keep my parents here for much longer. It is not a lack of respect or love for them. It is becoming a necessity. I am sad and feel guilty most of the time because of the choices I'm having to make. God bless you in any ministry you do for the elderly. They will be blessed to have your kind and loving care.