Charlottesville: ask a nurse

So all this back to school business inspires me to go back myself. The medical building at University of Virginia was drop dead gorgeous and historical of course. I’d love a masters in nursing but simply desiring more medical knowledge at this point so instead I’m taking a photography class! Thought I’d use this post to share some of my experience I’ve gained through my nursing years; simple tidbits I see everyday in the hospital.
Nursing according to me:
Please please don’t make granny/grandpa take a thousand pills odds are they don’t need them all and have been prescribed by different physicians! By the way, they are hands down my favorite people group and give me nuggets of wisdom daily, priceless.
When you come to the hospital we ask you to get well, but deprive you of sleep and food which equals sick grumpy and pained people. I don’t completely understand it myself.
If the doctor doesn’t explain something, please ask him to do so in simple terms; its your body you deserve to know every detail. Remember they are scientists and function at the scientific level not so much normal people level. (I know my Dad was one of those geniuses)
Not every test that is ordered is necessary or will even be covered by insurance. Please ask why and if its necessary.
You as the patient have the right to refuse anything including every pill and test thrown your way. I try and hint at this daily when passing out a zillion pills I don’t feel are necessary.
If you want to know who the good doctors are ask the nurse!
Healthcare is quite the mine field these days, tread carefully!
By the way, I’m a cardiac nurse so when people approach me with baby questions, I’m clueless! In fact, I took all the classes I could before having gideon! Oh and I didn’t become a nurse because I’m good at science in fact I repeated both chemistry and microbiology, but I LOVE helping people. However, please don’t think I’m great, I’m addicted to the instant gratification of helping people! (work in progress here)
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Hey, I'mMaria

A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.


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