I hate goodbyes and I’m not good at them, there’s usually blubbering and lots of snot involved, it gets messy, trust me. So you can imagine my dread when bidding farewell to our chaplain and his wife, our home away from home and lifeline. Our chapel threw a farewell shindig to honor this selfless couple. These two have been the hands and feet of Christ to us, mastering the gift of being “present” in major life events, particularly when far from home. Its safe to say the river of tears has been flowing….so here’s my tribute to the ones who have stood by us through every major life moment we’ve had in the last four years, which is many….a birth, a death, dozens of deployments including Iraq, and two baptisms.
Glen and Carrie….how will we DO life without you?!!
There’s carrie while I’m laboring!
Carrie present when the boys came back from Iraq and Glen took the picture.
Gideon is laying on the handmade quilt Carrie made for him.
Gideon’s first birthday, there’s Glen who’s also known as “chaps” “chappy” “Sir” and Glen, even though he’s a high ranking officer!
Taking the plunge!
Today’s farewell festivities:
Note the tissues
Shauna praying
Adam leading the songs
G the drummer
Glen and Adam
I love how the single marines hang out with the kids!
Rayna looking lovingly at her cake, do you blame her?
Glen and Carrie we love you.