I’m the worst at actually printing out photos, can I get a witness?! So today I’m making photo books as gifts for the people I love! Essentially you just drop and drag your photos into these gorgeous templates online, sounds fast and easy and hello pretty designs! I’ll let you know how they turn out. Tiny prints is having a sale today on the 8×11 book with 20 pages, go makes yours too!
You could make a cook book, genius.
I NEVER print my photos! I am in love, love, love with photo books! There are a few sites…I usually do either snapfish or shutterfly, and they have sales all the time. I will make books when they are buy one get two free and then I'll spend hours obsessing over which photos to include! I have books for each of my boys (I made them chronologically–0-6 mos, 6-12 mos, 1-2 yrs, 2-3 yrs, etc.) and I have a book of just photos of them together. Those sites also have neat photo calendars, which I made for everyone as Christmas gifts last year!