To enter giveaway simply leave a comment here telling us your favorite summer activity or favorite Yoga pose!
Winner will be announced in two weeks!
Good Luck.
To enter giveaway simply leave a comment here telling us your favorite summer activity or favorite Yoga pose!
Winner will be announced in two weeks!
Good Luck.
A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.
I love bar method!
I am a relative yoga newbie, but enjoy it so much. It started with a mom and baby class when my little one was 6 months old and I've never looked back!
love swimming in the pool in the evenings in the summer
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
My favorite summer activity is long walks with iced coffee (or ice cream). Haven't done yoga since becoming pregnant with #3, but looking forward to doing it again in a month or two!
This is such a great giveaway thank you for hosting!! I would LOVE to win this mat. My favorite yoga pose is pigeon!
I am rather new to Yoga just about six months in, but absolutely love it. As a mom it is such a relaxing, focused workout that clears your mind. My favorite type of Yoga is hot Yoga and my favorite pose is the tree balance pose.
My summer’s best activities are hanging on the beach with my twin girls and staying up late cooking great dinners and watching classic movies with my hubby!
I would love this yoga mat, crossing my fingers!
My favorite summer activity is running in the early morning hours and picnics outside. And with a new mat, maybe yoga would make my list.
fabulous giveaway! i am a yoga lover! my favorite pose is probably tree. partly because of the relief it brings and the calm to my body by being rooted into the ground and partly because my husband and i are horticulturists, so we greatly love trees!
Great giveaway! Thanks! During summer, my favorite activity is early morning hiking… watching the world wake up from a great view.
My favorite summer activity is to take a flight home, down south, to the winter of Argentina 🙂
My favorite yoga pose is Adho Mukha Svanasana, I think in English they call it downward dog. My aunt was my yoga teacher for many years and I miss it a lot!
This mat looks nice and thick…perfect for yoga and pilates moves!
I love triangle pose!
I have been talking to a few people this week about getting into yoga this summer. I have a son with some special needs, he has anxiety for one and yells at me quite a bit and I need some calming techniques 🙂 Right now I stay calm with him on the outside and turn to chocolate to calm me down inside. Yoga would be much better!
My favorite summer activity is taking a ride to the lake and winding down with a sunset practice…or icecream…
My favorite poses include pigeon, crow, and happy baby!
I like the dead man's pose and also the more challenging crane pose
My favorite pose is double pigeon. Ahhh
I really like hiking during the summer, but I miss doing yoga! I should get back in that habit. 🙂
This is the BEST yoga mat! My favorite pose is down dog. I would LOVE this 🙂
My favorite summer activity is sitting on the deck with my husband after the kids have gone to bed. We chat or play games. 🙂
My favorite summer activity would be beach volleyball. Your feet against the warm sand, while you dive to catch the ball; it's just a blast for me to play this. Also, it would be amazing to get the mat to help me start doing yoga at home with dad!
My favorite yoga pose is happy baby. 🙂
rebecca.nvcl (at)
My favorite summer activity is badminton!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
My favorite summer activity is collecting sunsets in as many different environments as possible
I think I would like my favorite activity to become yoga! How's that for an answer? I've actually just began to be interested in yoga, as I think the strength and stretching could really help some neck/back issues I've been struggling with for a few years.
And your sister! What encouragement!
my favorite summer activity is spending time at the pool! 🙂
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I had to bribe a family member to bring a Prolite Manduka mat over to Thailand for me. And Boy, am I happy! I wish I had a second one to leave at school for my Yoga Club of Primary level Thai students! My favorite pose is downward dog, but their favorite is tree!!