Okinawa Japan Christmas Mini Sessions 2020

Hey friends, excited to offer these this year! Offering both 30 minute sessions and 15 minute sessions! In regard to the 15 minute sessions, this is my first time ever offering these, so bear with me! I typically like to move from spot to spot within the location to offer variety but 15 minute sessions will be limited in movement within the location due to the time constraint! Simply pick the location you would like then click on the link to sign up for your spot. Read the whole post before signing up and let me know if you have any questions, Thank you!

The difference between the 30 minute session and 15 minute session

30 minute sessions

  • $230 receive 60+ digital images delivered in a downloadable gallery
  • variety of photos, moving around set location
  • Great for those who’ve never done photos in Okinawa

15 minute sessions

  • $115 receive 20 digital images delieverd in a downloadable gallery
  • photos will be pretty stationary, limited to moving around within location due to time
  • Great for those who just need updated pictures for Christmas cards
  • Beach location only

Weather & Cancellations

If you need to cancel or reschedule please let me know asap, we have a wiating list for these sessions every year! I will make any weather calls the day of the session, my rule of thumb regarding inclement weather- typically  waiting for a good weather always pays off!


I will send you a paypal invoice following your session via email. No need for down payments. Signing up for your spot, holds your spot.

What to wear

I have a post for that, click here! Think about your location, try and coordinate your family rather than match, and layer those outfits! Be mindful of footwear-try not to buy new shoes for you or the kiddos right before the session! Bring snacks and water to your session!

Fukushen Gardens Oct 3 {30 minute session}

This location is located in Naha, traditional Asian gardens, lots of variety and overtly Asian! Bring yen for entry and parking.


American Village Oct 10 {30 minute session}

Fun and full of color location, offering a variety of backdrops!


Toguchi Beach Oct 17 {30 minute session)

Famous for unique rock formation and those Okinawa turquoise waters!


Baba Beach Oct 18 {15 minute session}

Offering a cove- like beach with greenery. You can pick to do all beach pics or combo of beach pics with pine tree hallway!


Where does your money go?

We support 3 children with food for the hungry every month, give annually to the Robert D. Fazzaro (my father) Memorial Scholarship offering a highschool student with an interest in medicine a scholarship for College, and match donations for Starsand Magazine, a lifestyle magazine for spouses here on island!

Didn’t get a spot!?

No worries! There are almost always spots that open up due to cancellations and I may open more spots up for November! But please please sign up for the WAIT LIST so I can gage how many spots to open!

Check out our Okinawa inspired SHOP!!

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Hey, I'mMaria

A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.


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