This weekend I was floored by the great finds at Value City Furniture and Pier One. We picked up this couch for a mere $377!! It was both comfortable and in microfiber, fulfilling my two requirements for a sofa(bring on the spills, acchem…Gideon!)
Look what cool mirrors they have too!
Next stop: Pier One, where I picked up two of these bamboo chairs for $99!!! Yipppee!
Look what else they had on clearance….great stuff!
Question about Pier One?? They have considerable mark up on items from imported countries (where I’ve traveled and seen the same hand-made products) but I wonder how much of that money makes it back in those countries pockets? Let me know if you know the answer, I’m concerned.
We really do seem to have so much in common! 🙂 Having traveled a lot like you, I often think about the same things. It's so great to get a bargain but you feel kind of bad at the same time – especially when things come from developing countries. I think how much money the workers/companies get has a lot to do with how and who they sell to. Lately there seem to be more companies interested in benefiting workers directly more than sheer profit. I don't know that Pier 1 is one of them but having said all that I love your bamboo chairs and how can you resist them at that price?! 🙂