Our weekend was full of fun! Chuck E Cheese’s birthday party, old friends, new toys, fresh fruit and a lesson in decorating I’ll never forget.
My sister truly is a rebel without a cause!
I call this shirt a “party in the back”!
Sunday night panini’s {tomato, basil, and mozzarella}
And the project that nearly killed me!! Dear friends, never never spray paint a chandelier while its still hanging….yes, I really did that and it wasn’t good. Not good for the air or our precious hardwood floors. Thankfully it does look good, but there were many hours spent on my knees with a toothbrush scrubbing the floors. Needless to say my roman shades got put on the back burner, but I will post on those tomorrow! Hope your weekends went well!
oh my. Thanks for the tip. I have to note that, coz next month I was assign to spray a paint to our chandelier as well ;_; you're a life saver @.@
oh no! Spray paint truly is only for the outdoors… eek! I love that top, I feel like I just saw it somewhere… I wondered if I could pull it off. It looks amazing on you!
Oh boy! sorry about your chandelier!
I love your "party in the back" top! lol thats such a funny name but it looks great on you!
love the shirt, LOVE the chandelier, and would love that pannini right about now!
Great pictures of your boys! And I love the chandelier…
Now, that sounds just like the sort of hair-brained idea I would try! I can just hear the mental conversation with self…
"…it will be soooo much easier than taking the thing down, propping it up, reinstalling it … I can totally do this while it's hanging above the hardwood …"
But. At least it looks fantastic!!
Sounds like you had a DIY nightmare on your hands… however, the results are absolutely I love your white chandelier!