It all came to a head when I heard a sermon at church on sunday about Jonah…you know the one who got swallowed by a whale? The prophet who never really got it?! Well, sometimes that’s me too, it usually takes me more than one time to get the message. Here’s the message I need to burn some idols in my life….I know your thinking idols? Well everyone’s got em….anything that takes the place of God. For me, its this dang computer, I’m always on it! So I’m gonna step down from posting as frequently here on Johns Journal because with the photography gig, working as a nurse, being a mom and wife…something’s gotta give. It really became apparent when I couldn’t figure out where my husband was yesterday! He’s gone so much I could have sworn he was in D.C when he was in the Northeast! Yep that actually happened! How embarassing not to mention what a bad wife! Just wanted to give everyone a head’s up that I’m still here just trying to maintain priorities! Don’t worry will still be keeping everyone updated aplenty!
Love you guys: you continue to be an inspiration and encouragement.
Have a safe trip to Indiana… it seems the hardest thing is finding a balance between it all, especially when you're wearing so many hats. You'll get there!ReplyCancel
A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.
Describe your brand in a few words: Warm, light-filled, artistic so yeah- this whole session. If you are on the fence on getting maternity pics, here`s your sign, plus your kiddo will get the biggest kick seeing themselves in a belly!
Most frequently asked question!? When to book the newborn session- the magical window for posing is the first 10-14 days after birth! So book when you are expecting- we pencil in your due date then come to your home in Fredericksburg Va! I set up next to the best window- and preserve this special fleeting moment in time! We offer family session with newborn too and also like to include furry siblings! 🐶 🐈
Come behind the scenes with this sweet family and toddler with the best laugh in the world. We move fast and multi task in family sessions!! Can’t wait to meet their newest blessing!
2025 is the year of the wedding for me!! This snowy engagement session pretty much made my day when I arrived to 50 degree weather in Richmond at the botanical gardens! We headed straight for the Japanese section and it was magical!
Have a safe trip to Indiana… it seems the hardest thing is finding a balance between it all, especially when you're wearing so many hats. You'll get there!
Bless you for engaging in your "priority shake down." I so relate.
Hugs and safe travels!