That time I had surgery

People are my jam. So as the last two years doing photography have exploded, I became overwhelmed and burnt out quickly losing my faith/trust in people. Mainly because I didn’t understand boundaries or really know how to run a business. My heart became hard and I felt lost and worn. When we moved to California...

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Three things I wish someone told me

These three thoughts have been bouncing around in my head for a long time. Simply they are my life experiences I’ve encountered along the way; lessons full of hardship, wisdom, and hope. So if you’ve yet to tread the ground of these life-altering nuggets then this post is truly for you. Your welcome. The first...

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Turquoise stones

Ever feel like you’ve been lashed by a storm?! Yeah me too. In fact, the day I arrived to California. A storm in my life I never saw coming…. I intended merely to hit the reset button when I arrived to California, but God wanted a complete rebuild. Good news….when he rebuilds it’s with precious...

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Right now both boys at home for the summer plus a suddenly thriving photo biz has been kicking my butt in a good and exhausting way! I’m incredibly thankful for the way the Lord has poured favor on my little photography business and I’m scrambling to find the balance in it all of course! Just...

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His grace

Just reflecting this morning on all the people God put in my path that led me to Him. They were bold and brave enough to tell me about their relationship with Him and because they did, I really got to Live. His grace confounds and overwhelms me, so completely thankful today.

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Caught up

Anyone else get caught up? I’m an all or nothing kind of girl, extreme I know but gets me in trouble sometimes! I need to remind myself often things worth getting caught up in like the Lord, family, and friends certainly outweigh pictures, sheds, and worries! Happy Monday, stay tuned for the giveaway winner this...

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I take your big day seriously, we leave no pictures to chance and always check out the venue before the big event.
Most frequently asked question!? When to book the newborn session- the magical window for posing is the first 10-14 days after birth! So book when you are expecting- we pencil in your due date then come to your home in Fredericksburg Va! I set up next to the best window- and preserve this special fleeting moment in time! We offer family session with newborn too and also like to include furry siblings! 🐶 🐈
Come behind the scenes with this sweet family and toddler with the best laugh in the world. We move fast and multi task in family sessions!! Can’t wait to meet their newest blessing!
2025 is the year of the wedding for me!! This snowy engagement session pretty much made my day when I arrived to 50 degree weather in Richmond at the botanical gardens! We headed straight for the Japanese section and it was magical!