Pretty little life

image via Were almost half way through our Revelation study and the last session was quite an awakening for me. Its  so easy for me to get comfortable in my pretty little life, meanwhile so many are without food, home, and clean water while I figure out which purse goes with my outfit. (ugggggh)  A...

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I’m getting married {again}

image via I’m getting married again to the same guy! Were thinking of renewing our vows on our 10th year anniversary (next summer). This time I plan on having more than one bite of my wedding cake, taking our time with pictures, having an outdoor ceremony in a vineyard with a backyard reception, and dancing...

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Lent experiment

image via I’ve never felt more ready to embrace the Lent season, which may sound odd but simply I’m looking forward to a time of intentionality. Frequently I feel swept by emotions and whims which typically leads to rash decisons particularly in areas of shopping and managing time! Hopefully by halting any shopping and focusing...

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John 12:49

image via I have found myself on more than one occasion doing something, thinking something, or saying something that I know is not from me, but had to be the Lord. Seriously, the thought of Him using me in someway shape or form floors me. But just recently I realized its even in scripture,  “For...

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He will not delay

image via I tend to err on the side of late for most things, I’m working on it. But God,  He never delays. I heard a sermon once that talked about waiting even until the last five minutes. I love that, those last five minutes can be a crucial test of faith. So hold fast...

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The secret to marriage

image via My husband and I are currently listening to a series called Love & Respect and its been a game-changer for us. He shares about how women just need to be/feel loved and men need respect and if neither needs are met a vicious cycle ensues. Its been 8 years of marriage and I...

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