I’m shooting to open my little dream studio/shed by the end of April! This my friends, will be one pimped out little shed, so exciting. The idea is to create a studio that offers so much more creativity, depth, and inspiration than the studio chains. Essentially my vision is use my love of interior design and translate that into a studio setting both in the actual studio itself and most of all the portraits. This whole gig started because of a few bad experiences I had at the mall chains, mostly just receiving average photos all while trying to keep my kid from running away into the mall! I’d love to hear any ideas and opinions you have on the matter such as what you would look for in a studio and any other tidbits you have for me pretty please. I’ve already had requests for a variety of backdrops and will by all means avoid the “pretend forest” and variations of “neon swirl” you see in the school pictures!
The bottom row are backdrops that I fancy and the chairs and chaise will be used as props as well.
this is an amazing idea! and having loved your photos from day one of finding your blog I know it's going to be a great success!
all of the decor items you've posted are so lovely. i'm a little jealous actually! 🙂
so exciting… its going to be an inspiring space!
I just visited your website, you have very innovative ideas. i like your interior collections.
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