Well, here we are still waiting, but only a day longer! Tomorrow is induction day, which I have mixed feelings about, while I can’t wait to meet this guy I’d rather have it on my own terms! Since we went this route with our first I know what to expect in general (evil pitocin!) Nonetheless, I’m praying God’s peace will abound in my heart and mind and things will go as smoothly as possible! Thank you so much for waiting patiently with us, what a joy it is to hear your stories and words of encouragement. We will post pictures asap, until then I have some posts scheduled so stay tuned, sweet friends!
I’m clinging to this verse, “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14
p.s Sweet husband took these pictures (isn’t he good?!) after he treated me to dinner which was finished off with limoncello bread pudding…seriously best dessert ever. Go check it out at Carrabbas italian grill!
I hear it is common to go into labor right before you are due. Maybe that could happen for you?:) I went into labor about 7 hrs. before I was scheduled to be induced. Peace to you, KristenReplyCancel
How DO you wear those shoes while pregnant? *smiles* Mine were stashed away in the closet at about 5 months! Glad you can keep up your "look!" Blessings to your family.ReplyCancel
A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.
Most frequently asked question!? When to book the newborn session- the magical window for posing is the first 10-14 days after birth! So book when you are expecting- we pencil in your due date then come to your home in Fredericksburg Va! I set up next to the best window- and preserve this special fleeting moment in time! We offer family session with newborn too and also like to include furry siblings! 🐶 🐈
Come behind the scenes with this sweet family and toddler with the best laugh in the world. We move fast and multi task in family sessions!! Can’t wait to meet their newest blessing!
2025 is the year of the wedding for me!! This snowy engagement session pretty much made my day when I arrived to 50 degree weather in Richmond at the botanical gardens! We headed straight for the Japanese section and it was magical!
Happy birthday to our double rainbow baby! If you are looking fit an over the top birthday party with incredible customer service and everything done, Chuck E. Cheese is it. 10/10.
you make overdue look good! prayers for you and the little guy inside!! 🙂
I found your blog last week, and I love how much inpiration and God's love I've found here!!
You rock those wedges+belly, Maria!
Many, many prayers for you and the baby!
well you look great! I was a big grump when I was overdue! 🙂
I'll be thinking of you for a great delivery!
You look absolutely amazing! Best wishes for an easy delivery!
I hear it is common to go into labor right before you are due. Maybe that could happen for you?:) I went into labor about 7 hrs. before I was scheduled to be induced. Peace to you, Kristen
Ok enough baking, time to see some apple(cutie) pie 🙂
A Girl's Next Best Friend
Thinking of and praying for you today!
You look great! Looking forwards to some good baby news!
How DO you wear those shoes while pregnant? *smiles* Mine were stashed away in the closet at about 5 months! Glad you can keep up your "look!" Blessings to your family.