Fredericksburg va newborn photographer

fredericksburg va newborn photographer

Moving back to Fredericksburg virignia after being overseas has been quite the adjustment! But bringing newborn photography to fredericksburg is the perfect way for me to meet new friends quickly!! Would you believe you if i told you, these newborn images are all in the client’s home! I bring everything to the newborn photo session!...

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Fresh 48 birth photographer Northern Virignia

fresh 48 northern virginia

Fresh 48 newborn session in northern virginia

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Fredericksburg Virginia Newborn photographer 2022

fredericksburg virginia newborn photographer

Fredericksburg Virginia Newborn photographer featuring in home sessions.

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Toddler Outdoor toy play area

Our little go-getter (Shiloh) loves loves to play outside! So a toddler outdoor play area is in order. I’m pulling together a turf grass area complete with toys to get her busy and cooled off! We are going with a slide, sensory bins, water table, basketball, and pit of balls!! I think she wil love...

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Cheaper alternative to the baby snoo

The baby product I searched for ad nauseum before shiloh’s birth was the bassinet because of how much I feared losing sleep! When I came across the baby snoo, it was love and first sight but I stopped dead in my tracks over the cost, plus they didn’t ship overseas to Okinawa Japan, 2 strikes...

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Gassy baby solutions that actually work

Goodness gracious we weren’t expecting to see our baby in so much belly pain her first month, but I believe we’ve turned the corner and she’s much better now. Please know this problem truly does resolve as they age (she’s 2 months) now barring no other medical issues just like our pediatrician said, but we...

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