Gassy baby solutions that actually work

Head facing elbow, key position for getting bubbles out!

Goodness gracious we weren’t expecting to see our baby in so much belly pain her first month, but I believe we’ve turned the corner and she’s much better now. Please know this problem truly does resolve as they age (she’s 2 months) now barring no other medical issues just like our pediatrician said, but we found some products that also made a difference.

In Shiloh’s experience she cried after every feed, which felt really defeating like my milk was directly hurting her, so we tried some formula too! It seemed to give her a bit of a break, but doing the following things below really helped…

Remove Dairy

When I say I love cheese, I mean it. Its a heavy part of my diet, but removing it was an easy decision if  it helped baby girl ! My lactataion consultant explained that babies have a limited ability to digest/process lactose and our breastmilk is full of lactose, particularly the fore milk. She suggested I pump off my milk for just a minute or two prior to feeds and also use the football feed to limit air. In addition, interupt the feed to burp. All of these things helped. I bought a medela hand held pump to do this which was the easiest and fastest thing especially in the middle of the night.

Gripe Water & Gas drops

At one point I gave gas drops prior to every feed. I actually feel like the gripe water worked best and baby loved loved the taste of the gripe water

Baby positions

We learned online that the colic hold across the arm worked best but we found the across the arm hold with baby facing the elbow worked best. (Pictured above) Also pumping baby’s legs in a bicycle motion and holding her in a sitting up position all got lots of burps and toots out very effectively!


This one might not be for everyone, but as an R.N, I feel pretty comfortable with this tool! It is a plastic tube that you insert rectally to relieve air, this worked almost everytime and provided instant relief. Be sure to lube the tube very well and your baby most likely will not be bothered.

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Hey, I'mMaria

A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.


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