A gentle answer

Somewhere in one of my many middle of the night wake ups, the Lord gave me the verse, โ€œA gentle answer turns away anger (Ps 15:1).โ€ Immediately I knew it regarded Gideon and my reactions to his many testing gestures and truth be told it works, really and truly. When I feel myself getting pretty hot under the collar (putting it nicely) I say the verse in my mind and it really diffuses my response to him. Now if I could just memorize more scripture I can only imagine the power it would have in my life!
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Hey, I'mMaria

A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. Iโ€™m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.


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