I got an intervention


I had a not so great doctor’s appointment where they strongly suggested I have a third ultrasound by a perinatologist because baby’s femurs measured small. Mind you, I have zero medical history and only had a second ultrasound because I’m measuring small. The first ultrasound was perfect, nothing wrong. In my heart, I believe he’s fine and his little legs will play catch up in the womb, just as things grow at different rates. When doctor’s tell you things like this, your mind goes into a fog, your heart beats faster and the fear can be overwhelming; enter the Lord.

Following the appointment I randomly went to Taco Bell and ran into my babysitter’s mom, who is amazing. I quickly had a meltdown and she immediately put her hand on my belly and spoke with total authority saying, “In Jesus name I pray nothing is wrong!” Can I tell you the instant freedom I felt? So liberating. However, since I’m being so transparent here I’m tempted to take back those anxious thoughts and fears everyday; so taking my thoughts captive and trusting the Lord is my plan of action! 
I welcome any of your prayers and thoughts if you’ve been down a similar road.
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Hey, I'mMaria

A Christian, married to an insanely gifted and talented Marine husband, mother to Gideon, Boaz, and our rainbow baby, Shiloh. I’m actually an R.N turned accidental photographer, currently living in Fredericksuburg, Va after completing our final tour in Okinawa Japan. You'll find travel, Jesus, and lifestyle posts here on the Journal.


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