A brief background….this is our second time in Okinawa! Our first time we lived on base at Camp Kinser in the towers. Also this isn’t the current house we live in, we moved to a different place out in town! But this gives you an idea of one option for off base. Ultimately, out in town housing options depend on rank and timing of when you arrive. If you arrive in summer time it can be challenging to find something, but keep looking as long as you possible! Keep expectations low, your expectations of American sized housing won’t be met here in Okinawa, everything is exceptionally smaller, keep an open mind and stay excited for the opportunities that come with living overseas! We currently live in an exceptionally smaller place, an apartment in face and couldn’t be happier, it’s all about perspective.
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Did you bring your own light fixtures? Also can I hang mirrors if I bring them? Thanks!!
I bought them online!! Technically for off base you aren’t really supposed to be any holes in the wall, but on base you can!